How To Make Account and Verify Your Email & Mobile Number on IncomeOn

 Step ( 1)
               First fill the form with name and required data correctly and after that click the
               sign up button.

      Step (2)
                    Login with your email address and password

    Step (3)

                     After login your account go to Account Verification icon and click on

                  Account Verification Steps: 

                 Enter your email address and then Press Email Verify Button they will mail you an email verification code  after that  go into your email account and copy that Email Verification Code and paste into email verification box and press Verify .

You will see email verified on screen like below :  (Step - 1 )

2. Verify Your Mobile Number: 
              Enter your mobile Number and then Press Mobile Verify Button they will send you a Mobile verification code  after that  go into your IncomeOn verification page  and paste Mobile verification Code in  Mobile Vitrification box and press Verify .

You will see Mobile verified on screen like below :  (Step - 2 )

Congratulation You have learnt how to verify Your email and Moble on

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